The Whole Human Framework
An Immersive 10-Week Coaching Program Designed to Liberate Yourself From EVERYTHING That's Holding You Back From Becoming, Doing, and Having MORE In Your Life
So You Can FINALLY Reclaim The Income, Impact, Purpose, and Freedom You Desire, Reach Your Next Level Of Personal Success, and Take CONTROL Over Your Thoughts, Emotions, Habits, and Results 
An Immersive 10-Week Coaching Program
Designed to Liberate Yourself From EVERYTHING That's Holding You Back From Becoming, Doing, and Having MORE In Your Life
Since you're on this page, I already know a few things about you:
Since you're on this page, I already know a few things about you:
  •  You've got that nagging feeling that you're meant for "something" more. You want to help, inspire, and empower change in the world… But there's a whisper of fear tapping you on the shoulder that makes you reconsider and question whether or not you can achieve greatness.
  • ​You've done years, maybe even decades, of personal development work in pursuit of a transformation. You've accumulated a toolbox of tactics and habits that are supposed to make you feel, think, and show up differently… But no matter how hard you try, how many books you read, or how much you "practice", you're still held back by the same stress, anxiety, and overwhelm you've always felt.
  • ​You can feel an energetic "shift" taking place in the world and you're determined to participate on the front lines of this conscious and spiritual awakening… But the peace, joy, connection, and freedom you're yearning for is often displaced by the chaos, uncertainty, and confusion brought on by external forces. 
  •  You've got that nagging feeling that you're meant for "something" more. You want to help, inspire, and empower change in the world…
    But there's a whisper of fear tapping you on the shoulder that makes you reconsider and question whether or not you can achieve greatness.
  • ​You've done years, maybe even decades, of personal development work in pursuit of a transformation. You've accumulated a toolbox of tactics and habits that are supposed to make you feel, think, and show up differently… But no matter how hard you try, how many books you read, or how much you "practice", you're still held back by the same stress, anxiety, and overwhelm you've always felt.
  • ​You can feel an energetic "shift" taking place in the world and you're determined to participate on the front lines of this conscious and spiritual awakening… But the peace, joy, connection, and freedom you're yearning for are often displaced by the chaos, uncertainty, and confusion brought on by external forces. 

Now what if I told you that in just 10-weeks…

  • You could re-engineer your nervous system, re-program your internal operating system, and re-create your personal reality in alignment with the life YOU want to create…
  • ​You could finally liberate yourself from the chains of your emotional prison, take control over your thoughts, beliefs, stories, and actions, and claim complete ownership of your life – without any effort.
  • You could become more courageous, more confident, more blissfully content in spite of any external circumstances and no longer live in constant fear, worry, doubt, or the feeling of "not enoughness"...

And for the first time in your life…

You could feel WHOLE.

•    The #1 way to get absolute clarity on your Ideal Client, Irresistible Offers, and Compelling Messaging - so you have the confidence to powerfully communicate what you do and get paid for the true value it provides...

•    Accelerator helps you get absolutely clear on every aspect of your business from ideal client, to your story and messaging, to your proprietary methodology and offers and the exact strategy you should be focusing on to create a predictable flow of high paying clients (while cutting out 90% of everything else...)

•    Accelerator is the program that I wish I had several years ago when I began this business, instead of all the programs out there that taught me just one piece of the puzzle or ideas or concepts that frankly just weren’t important for making money in my business.

•    Why mindset comes before strategy… And how to avoid procrastination, smash self-sabotage, and radically increase resilience - so you can stay in consistent forward momentum and crush your 2021 goals....

•    Strategies to find your ideal clients from people you already know - and who’ll pay you 4 or 5 figures to solve their burning problem… without the expense, complexity and uncertainty of ads, webinars, or funnels...

•   How to win your first or your next high-paying clients with the ultimate confidence of knowing it’s an intentional, repeatable and systemized process - That means no more relying on luck and hope...

•   How to expand your existing network business from it so you never have to make a cold call again . . .while building amazing relationships and partnerships (a bulletproof tribe) who will support you each step along the way to a six- or seven figure business...
When you enroll in the 10-week Whole Human Framework Program...
You can't find success, fulfillment, and purpose by chasing externals and "doing" more.
The only way to experience MORE in your life – more passion, joy, abundance, connection, presence, vibrancy, resilience, personal sovereignty (and yes, more money, time, and freedom too)...

Is to FIRST overcome the conflicts, traumas, resentments, and deeply rooted programming that your subconscious mind has convinced you that you're not capable, worthy, or deserving of having.

Because you CANNOT access your REAL POWER when it's bound and gagged by all that internal BS and white noise.

In other words, you don't create the personal success, income, impact, and fulfillment in your life with willpower, determination, or "taking action" alone…

You get there with…
A system for changing the neural connections that are biologically driving your beliefs, thoughts, and actions.
The good news?
The Whole Human Framework IS that system.
“I have done self-growth work for years but only David's methodology has stuck with me because it’s so simple to implement, it’s so practical. I just go back and do my exercise, sometimes it takes maybe 5 minutes and I’m in a completely different mindset and that’s why it’s so powerful… because if you’re not in the right mindset you’re not going to make the right business decisions. It’s as simple as that.”
Krystal Borg 
Managing Director
“I was blown away by this mindset material. David has taken all of the best of the best works out there and integrates it into one single master course. Everything else was just little bits and pieces of information.”
Bobby Chandiramani
The Whole Human Framework Is The Intersection 
of Psychology, Neuroscience, and Personal Growth for Rapid and REAL Transformation
This is a revolutionary fusion of the most effective transformational modalities on the planet. 

From the life-changing insights of cognitive psychology and behavior change...

To the latest neuroscience of habits and the mechanics of learning...

And the most empowering teachings of personal growth…
This is the best of the best condensed down into 
one simple system you can implement in your life every day
to overcome your deepest inner conflicts and most challenging inner obstacles…
And finally unlock exponential business growth and phenomenal personal success.

Starting NOW!
“I've been doing "massive action plans" for years but ALWAYS getting stuck... because of the underlying fear...but it felt nameless, and powerful and just felt like a massive wall that I couldn't penetrate of go around. After doing the mind hack, I'm realizing that the underlying beliefs and especially fears were what was holding me back. My biggest frustration was that I didn't know how to get rid of them permanently, I would make a little progress but then land smack down on my face again. This is so empowering!”
Melanie Crane
Owner and Founder of Integrated Life Advisor

This is more than a coaching program…

It’s a system for REAL, lasting, permanent brain change and finally fulfilling your true potential.

This is about you having a REAL system you can use to free yourself from the negative bias of your own mind. 

It is a reliable method to finally live at the level of power and impact you feel inside yourself

Not as a philosophy or an idea. But as a reality. 

Here’s why it works (for EVERYONE):

The human brain is the same for all of us, no matter what we do or where we’re at. We all have the same hardware. 

The stories and specific details of our inner conflicts don't really matter when we understand how the hardware works.

Seriously: I'm yet to find a limiting belief that can't be unraveled, overcome, and replaced with one that's more empowering using this system.

I have taught the foundations of this system to thousands of impact-driven people and the results are mind-blowing!

Just take a look at the testimonials on this page to see for yourself, like this one:
Frances Walker
Mindset Coach

"Before David I was the epitome of the stressed out overwhelmed stay at home mom with 2 kids and a struggling side business in network marketing. I felt like I had no time! My day would go by and I was completely overworked.  But I would look around and at the end of the day and I hadn’t accomplished anything.

I was just going going going but never actually getting anywhere…
I can’t describe it any other way than completely life-changing. I went from 1 sale every three months to 5 sales every single month. 

I’ve started a new wellness center, I love my network marketing business, my relationships with my kids is 10 times better. I’m not so frustrated and stressed out and I’m not missing any of those magic little moments… I’ve gotten it all back!

Frances Walker
Mindset Coach
 THIS is your invitation for transformation inside…
The Whole Human Framework
10-Week Coaching Program with David Bayer  
The Whole Human Framework is an immersive 10-Week coaching program where you'll work closely with me and alongside an intimate group of other impact-driven individuals…

To free yourself from everything that’s holding you back from experiencing MORE in your life – more passion, joy, abundance, connection, presence, vibrancy, resilience, personal sovereignty (and yes, more money, time, and freedom too).

This program is designed to be the integration of everything you already know about personal development, and the embodiment of everything you’re yet to be, do, have, and create.

After 10-weeks, you’ll no longer be a victim to the invisible prison that is your own mind, because you’ll have the tools for emotional, spiritual, psychological, and personal freedom.  

You’ll have the skills to navigate and overcome both the inner conflicts and external chaos that prevent you from creating a life you love. You’ll gain the confidence to produce extraordinary results in every area of your life.
    • Figuring out who you serve
    • Learning to communicate the value you bring
    • Creating offers that are irresistible to your ideal client
    • ​Having enrollment conversations with qualified prospects
    The Whole Human Framework 
    Here's just SOME of what we'll cover on our 90-minute weekly calls…
    Each week we will address a fundamental "step" on the journey to what I call Whole Human Healing. Individually, each training will serve to help you expand and evolve in certain areas and aspects of your life. Collectively, they will contribute to a radical expansion of your consciousness and result in REAL, lasting transformation.
    Get absolute clarity on your vision, mission, and purpose in life 
    so you can start showing up powerfully as who you’re meant to be in the world
    Transform your relationship with money
    ...and expand your wealth consciousness so you can smash through your current income ceiling and put an end to financial insecurity (regardless of whether you’re employed or growing a business)
    Permanently end the persistent cycles of stress
    anxiety, overwhelm, and procrastination that up until now have made the beautiful experience of life feel like more suffering than it’s worth (or that you deserve!)
    Become a person who effortlessly attracts extraordinary relationships
    ...– intimately and otherwise – and expand your ability to connect and be truly present with your spouse, kids, friends, coworkers, and even "random" strangers
    Control your thoughts and emotions by eliminating those that no longer serve the person you're becoming,
    make peace with those that challenge you, and harness the strength with the ones that give you power 
    Take radical responsibility and extreme ownership of your life
    ...and equip yourself with the tools to powerfully and intentionally course correct and overcome any challenges that present themselves as road bumps in your life
    Go beyond where you are in your capacity embody spiritual and psychological transformation so you no longer feel like you're just talking the talk, but that you're a walking example of peace, joy, authenticity, and love – no matter where you are in your personal development journey
    Develop the capacity to experience the myriad of emotions your life without resistance or resentment and become fully present in your ability to navigate powerfully and gracefully through ANY situation
    Make self-love, self-worth, and self-esteem integral components of your identity
    ...and remove any doubt about your abilities, worthiness, and life pursuits 
    Down regulate your nervous system and "train" your body's (and your mind's) ability to heal
    ... itself naturally, increase your longevity, and tap into more energy and vibrancy on demand
    Resonate as a true leader
    ...and become an incredible source of positive influence with everyone around you - your family, friends, and the communities you're a part of
    Get crystal clear on what you're really called to do your professional life and discover if you’re meant to start your own business or take the business you already have to its next level
    Curate a deeper, more meaningful, and connected relationship
    ...with Spirit, God, Source, or whatever higher power you're aligned with so you can live life with more faith and gratitude
    Liberate yourself from the resentments
    and discover how the people, experiences, and challenges in your life have actually been contributing to your growth and success 
    Break free from the comparison trap
    ...codependence, people-pleasing tendencies, and the need for external validation in your pursuit of success or just to feel "good enough"
    And much, MUCH more!
    Rennie Gabriel
    Award winning, best-selling author of Wealth On Any Income
    Jamie McNaughton 
    VP and Co-Founder McNaughton Inc.
    The Whole Human Framework Kicks Off On
    Friday, september 1, 2023
    And I (David) Will Personally Be Facilitating The Live Coaching & Training 
    Future rounds of The Whole Human Framework will be led by my team of coaches and will NOT include access to me personally or the bonuses included on this page.
    Program Timeline
    Each week, you'll join me on a LIVE coaching session as we progress through each component of the Whole Human Framework. All calls will be recorded and replays will be provided as soon they are rendered and uploaded.  

    You will get LIFETIME ACCESS to these call recordings to rewatch them anytime.
    WEEK 0
    September 1st, 2023 @ 2PM EST
    Kick Off Call 
    Your first kick off call with David will help you set expectations with total clarity in order to get the absolute most out of the Whole Human Framework Program
    WEEK 1
    September 8th, 2023 @ 2PM EST
    Enhancing Your Spiritual Vision
    Get absolute clarity on your vision, mission, and purpose in life so you can start showing up powerfully and create a life with more joy, growth, and connection.
    WEEK 2
    September 15th 2023 @ 2PM EST 
    Identifying Your Resistance
    Uncover the personal traumas and resistances you have that continue to hold you back, so you can begin uninstalling these outdated programs and replace them with beliefs aligned with your full potential.
    WEEK 3
    September 29th, 2023 @ 2PM EST
    The Power of Decision
    Discover the Power of Decision and other powerful tools for radically and permanently changing your brain.
    WEEK 4
    October 6th, 2023 @ 2PM EST
    Resentments Inventory 
    Identify the resentments and judgments you have that are locking in your limiting beliefs and preventing you from freeing yourself from those who have harmed you.
    WEEK 5
    October 13th, 2023 @ 2PM EST 
    The Forgiveness Framework
    Free yourself from your resentments using The Forgiveness Framework and discover how the people and challenges in your life have been contributing to your growth and success.
    WEEK 6
    October 17th, 2023 @ 2PM EST
    The Core Program 
    Identify your 'Core Program' or unhealable wound and how to finally release it, so you can be free to achieve your next level of joy, abundance, health, wealth and connection.
    WEEK 6 (Call 2)
    October 20th, 2023@ 2PM EST 
    The Higher Power System
    Deepen your spirituality and your relationship with a power greater than yourself using the philosophies and tools of David's 'Higher Power System'.
    WEEK 7
    October 27th, 2023 @ 2PM EST
    The Surrender Experience
    Let go of the constant inner feeling of stress, tension and hypervigilance with the 3-step 'Surrender Experience' process David used to free himself from his core trauma. 
    WEEK 8
    November 3rd, 2023 @ 2PM EST
    Restoring Self Love
    Break free of the comparing, codependency and the need to please others or achieve success in order to feel good enough.
    WEEK 9
    November 10th 2023 @ 2PM EST 
    Power Affirmations
    Build new neural pathways and a foundation of self love, self esteem and self confidence so that you can boldly create the vision you have for an extraordinary life.
    WEEK 10
    November 14th, 2023 @ 2PM EST
    Self Love System
    Learn daily practices and Super Rituals to continue to deepen your transformation and develop a daily transformative practice.
    WEEK 10 (Call 2)
    November 17th, 2023 @ 2PM EST
    Become The Change
    Take who you have become and impact those you care about to support them in elevating their lives to an entirely new level.
    ALL CALLS WILL BE RECORDED And Available for Replay
    Whole Human Framework 
    Everything You Need For Ongoing, Rapid Transformation
    This program is truly the embodiment of my life's work. It's the culmination of over a decade of in-depth study and complete immersion in cognitive psychology, modern neuroscience, personal development, and global spiritual traditions.

    I took the best of the best, the exact practices of what actually works in real life – it's worked in my life, it's helped transform the lives and businesses of thousands of my students and clients, and it WILL transform your life too – as long as you commit and show up.

    I've streamlined everything into a 
    complete system of reliable brain change to liberate the massive creative energy locked in the prisons of your limiting beliefs. 
    I invested hundreds of thousands of dollars and years of research to develop this. 

    BUT….I don't want this to be "just another coaching program" that you invest in, get so-so results in, and leave questioning whether or not it was worth your time, money, and energy…

    That's why I'm personally leading you through every single call giving you 110% of my time and energy and making this as accessible and affordable as possible.
    I'm here for you. I created this for you. Because I believe simply from the fact that you're on this page reading this now – 
    YOU are destined for greatness.
    You can and will change the world…

    …just as long as you have the tools to change yourself, first.

    I'm fully committed to your success in this program because I know the power, the joy, the energy, the
    indescribable feeling of freedom
    and empowerment that comes when you finally…
    Free yourself from the life-stealing prison of your unconscious patterns.
    So to make this even more valuable than it already is and to ensure your lasting success long after our 10 weeks together are through, I'm including…
    The 60 page Mind Hack Workbook - Take this information and make it real for you. Information only becomes knowledge through the application, and doing these exercises will put real personal breakthroughs within your reach.
    The 6 Misconceptions -  When you first begin doing this work, it’s like stumbling into a dark cave without a flashlight. In working with thousands of entrepreneurs like you, I’ve found there are 6 fundamental misconceptions that give rise to the thousands of other limiting beliefs. This list turns on the floodlights so you can get a head start and identify what’s holding you back even easier so you can progress faster.
    The Decision Prescription -  Every limiting belief has it’s empowering opposite, but figuring it out on your own takes time. I want to give you a jumpstart with the most powerful decisions my clients and I have made to overwrite limiting beliefs and transform our businesses and personal lives.
    Empowering Questions Shortcut to Success -  Asking powerful questions is a skill and takes time to develop. To give you a head start, I’m giving you a cheat sheet of questions my clients and I use every day to get extraordinary results in every area of life. 
    Audio Downloads -   of the guided meditations so you can access high energy states anytime, anywhere to fuel your transformation on the go. 
    Free yourself from the life-stealing prison of your unconscious patterns.
    So to make this even more valuable than it already is and to ensure your lasting success long after our 10 weeks together are through, I'm including…
    The 60 page Mind Hack Workbook - Take this information and make it real for you. Information only becomes knowledge through the application, and doing these exercises will put real personal breakthroughs within your reach.
    The 6 Misconceptions -  When you first begin doing this work, it’s like stumbling into a dark cave without a flashlight. In working with thousands of entrepreneurs like you, I’ve found there are 6 fundamental misconceptions that give rise to the thousands of other limiting beliefs. This list turns on the floodlights so you can get a head start and identify what’s holding you back even easier so you can progress faster.
    The Decision Prescription -  Every limiting belief has it’s empowering opposite, but figuring it out on your own takes time. I want to give you a jumpstart with the most powerful decisions my clients and I have made to overwrite limiting beliefs and transform our businesses and personal lives.
    Empowering Questions Shortcut to Success -  Asking powerful questions is a skill and takes time to develop. To give you a head start, I’m giving you a cheat sheet of questions my clients and I use every day to get extraordinary results in every area of life. 
    Audio Downloads -   of the guided meditations so you can access high energy states anytime, anywhere to fuel your transformation on the go. 
    Each of them is strategically designed to accelerate your transformation and serve as the foundation on which you create the life of your dreams.
    The Mind Hack Mastery Course - Relationship, Health & Business Mastery
    (Value $4,494)
    David's flagship 7-day course that thousands of impact-driven individuals around the world have used to experience incredible transformation in their health, wealth, relationships, businesses and lives. How to apply the WHF principles to specific areas of transformation.

    David takes the guess-work out of needing to figure out what's blocking you in your health, wealth, relationships, business, and life by giving you the big 3 blocks 99% of people experience and providing you the specific new decisions and tools to help you heal, improve your relationships, business, and create prosperity in your life.

    Comes complete with a 60-page workbook full of actionable exercises, entire modules on Hacking Fear, along with guided audio meditations. If you're wanting to create a breakthrough in your health, wealth, relationships, or business using David's frameworks, you're going to love this bonus course!
    2 FREE Tickets to the 2024 Powerful Living Experience Live Event
    (Value $1,994)
    ** Requires a $197 seat deposit to reserve your seat and will be refunded upon registration at the event.
    The single most effective way to develop mastery with this life-changing material is IMMERSION. 

    That's why it's so critical to put yourself in an environment where you set aside your daily responsibilities, to remove yourself from the endless stream of distractions pulling at your attention…

    And GO DEEP.

    And at the Powerful Living Experience, we create one of the most potent containers for rapid personal transformation on the planet. 

    Inc Magazine even named it one of the Top 3 MUST ATTEND Personal Development Events. 

    Success Magazine even went a step further and called it “one of the top personal development events in the world.
    • Connect with 1000+ impact-driven individuals on the leading edge of changing the world
    • Harness the palpable energy in the room to catalyze breakthrough insights into your personal life and business, and use them to create the boldest, most wildly inspired vision of your life beyond perceived limitations.
    • Lean into the cutting edge of personal transformation with the latest science, practical techniques, and mental technologies to rapidly repattern your mind and achieve your business goals with ZERO resistance.
    Here’s what a few of last year’s attendees said about this life-changing event:
    “It's not just the 7-day format that makes this such a powerful experience (besides the content, of course!)'s the fact that real people are behind the screen actually reaching out and supporting us!”
    Ilonka N. Sjak-Shie
     Destroying “The Big Two” Limiting Beliefs 99% of People Face
    Everyone has a different matrix of limiting beliefs, but the two most disempowering areas of life for entrepreneurs are... 
    • Not Enough Time (aka overwhelm) 
    • And Not Enough Money.
    It’s hard to believe that these seemingly hard-nosed, real-world problems could really come down to something abstract like “mindset”….

    But they do.

    So I’m including 2 special bonus modules to break down the astonishing relationship between your mindset, money, and time.
    Time Mastery
    (Value $497)
    • The science behind how your fears of “not enough time” perpetuate themselves into your life and how to fix it.
    • How to short circuit overwhelm, stress and anxiety while creating an additional 10 hours of time PER WEEK.
    • There is ALWAYS enough time… but these three unconscious thoughts are mucking it up.
    How much is an extra 10 hours of free time every week for the rest of your life worth to you? If you truly put this teaching to work in your life, it will mean an extra 26 forty-hour work weeks over the next 2 years.

    What would you do with that? What could you accomplish? What kinds of adventures could you have? How much progress in your business could you make? In your life goals? 

    And honestly....
    An extra 10 hours per week is a conservative estimate based on past results with my private clients.
    And if you extend that out to 5 years… 
    10 years… 25? Is there really a price for that 
    amount of time?
    No, there isn’t. 

    You cannot buy time. 

    But you CAN upgrade the way your mind perceives and uses it. 
    Now let’s look at Money…
    Money Mastery
    (Value $497)
    When you unlock “Money” you are no longer dependent  
    on “The System,” “The Market,” or even “The Economy.”  

    You become the author of your life, 100% free from financial worries. 
    You become liberated to create, serve, and contribute as you choose. 

    I’ve helped countless professionals, entrepreneurs, and everyday hardworking people to double, triple, even quadruple their revenue in a matter of months. And it all comes down to mindset.
    • Are you anxious about your financial security? How this is actually the single greatest obstacle blocking you from your next level of financial success.
    • How the wealthiest 1% of entrepreneurs see these three “money levers” differently than the 99%.
    • The Stack – the exact process I used to break a 10-year drought of bank account humiliation and catapult to $1,000,000+ in a single year… all while making an even greater impact without hustling and grinding my way to it.

    The true value of this? I’ll leave that to your imagination, but this powerful teaching could easily open up hundreds of thousands of dollars for you over your life. 

    “I had just come off my worst year financially and I nearly didn’t do the program. But with David I learned how to have breakthroughs, how to be unstoppable… and now I have a constant flow of new leads and I’m consistently making $3000 PER WEEK!”
    Ed Jackson
    Senior Marketing Director WFG
    But even with everything I’m giving you so far…
    The Mind Hack system of brain change and self-transformation, the 3-step Neurosculpting process to deactivate triggering in-the-moment, 
    all the supporting worksheets, meditations, Daily Mind Hack Super Ritual, and extra tools to accelerate your progress…
    ...PLUS deeper teachings on Money and Time to banish scarcity from your life…

    I want YOU to have every possible resource necessary to move forward as a radically transformed and unshakeable force of Power in the world.

    That’s why I’m giving you….
    (Value $3,500)
    Whether you're already a business owner, you're thinking about starting one, or you've always had that entrepreneurial "itch" but feel intimidated at the prospect of leaving your job and starting something new…

    I wanted to give you what is one of my most powerful trainings on what it takes to start and grow an impact-driven business using the methodologies we teach all of our business coaching clients.  

    Because without the deep foundation of what it really takes to make your business stand out from the crowd and achieve rapid exponential growth… 

    ...most aspiring entrepreneurs run head-first into the brick wall of burnout. 

    So in this 3-hour Masterclass you’ll get a full, detailed picture of what makes a business REALLY work. Plus, the exact step-by-step blueprint I used for creating rapid success doing what I love most: helping people.

    This is a condensed MBA specifically for entrepreneurs most people wish they had when first starting a business.

    Here’s just a taste of what we’ll cover in the masterclass:
    • How my wife and I went from $0 to $50k in less than 30 days just with 4 talks in our local market.
    • The pricing question: what to charge, when, and how firing half your clients is probably the best thing you can do to not only make more money but to also create even more time.
    • Scaling from one-on-one to group or live events without the gut wrenching uncertainty of whether or not you’re actually going to fill them.
    • The paradox of digital programs: they will never make you money, but can help generate over $1MM a year. 
    This content is from a seminar people paid $2,000 - $30,000 to attend. If I were to do it again, I would charge at least $3,500.

    You get the exact same information FOR FREE to help you take the first (or next) step in your entrepreneurial journey when you enroll in the Whole Human Framework Program TODAY. 

    "Normally you find someone who’s good in one area of business or personal growth but they are so skilled in so many areas. You just get everything you need from one place and they make complex concepts so simple, clear and practical. Thanks to David's methodologies we are growing at an unprecedented rate of nearly 7-figures a month!"
    -Claudia Hillmeier
    Owner Prop & Peller
    8 Week Mind Hack Deepening Course + Additional Rituals and Practices
    (Value $1,500)
    Brain change can happen quickly, but it doesn’t happen overnight. It takes reinforcement to fully eliminate old, limiting patterns of thought. That’s why I’m including this 8 week Mindset Deepening Course.

    It spirals back through the material included in the Mind Hack Program – as well as what we'll be covering on a much deeper level within our 10-weeks of coaching – with new layers of insight, giving you extra tools and practices to fuel your continued growth.
    PLUS one of my favorite tools I call “The Dump.”
    Using this one tool every single day for 6 months catalyzed the fastest, deepest, most radical period of personal growth I ever experienced. I could literally feel my patterns of thought changing week by week.
    You’ll get “The Dump” along with the entire 8 week Deepening Course FREE when you join the Whole Human Framework Today.
    Two Great Value Options For Payment:
    • Regular Price - $1,997 - Get Launchpad today, for the lowest investment it will ever be offered at. PLUS! Get the extra bonuses - including 8 weeks of LIVE coaching - that will never be offered again.
    • Payment Plan - 4x Monthly Installments of $597 - Make Launchpad even more affordable now, with the convenience and cash flow benefit of 4 easy payments.
    •  And yes, you can pay with PayPal or PayPal financing
    If You’re Committed Making 2022 Your Breakout Year . . Now Is Your Time To Launch!
    Just Click The Button Below To Secure Your Place
    • The Whole Human Framework 10-Week Group Coaching Program - $5,500
    • Mind Hack Digital Program - $3,500
    • ​2 Tickets to PLE Live Event - $1,994
    • ​Time Mastery - $497
    • Money Mastery - $497
    • Business Hack Masterclass Training - $3,497
    • Mindset Deepening Program - $1,500
    Total Value - $16,985

    What Others Are Saying About David's Mindset Methodologies…


    As much as I wish it were…

    This program is not for everybody. 

    I make bold promises because I’ve seen the results in my own life, the lives of my private clients, and the lives of the participants who've already been introduced to this life-changing work.
    These results come from sincerely
    doing the work and implementing 
    the system IN REAL LIFE.
    So if you...
    • Are looking for a magic pill to make your problems “just go away”
    • Want results without actually looking at the reality of your life, beliefs, and thought patterns
    • Want ME (or anyone else) to do the work for you
    • Think you already know everything there is to know about mindset
    • Want to add another course to your collection of half-digested courses
    • Love the endless cycle of going to events, jumping up and down, enduring the personal development hangover just to crawl back for your next fix a few months later...
    Don’t waste your money.
    This is not what you’re looking for and you’ll probably just give yourself more guilt. 
     SO...Is THIS Right For Me?
    • ​ If you hunger for a life of success and fulfillment…
    • ​ If you want to create more impact in the world…
    • ​ If you desire to end financial insecurity, radiate abundance, and take your wealth to a new level…
    • ​ If you realize that "self-awareness" alone is no longer cutting it and it's time for REAL change…
    • ​ If you know that you'd rather be your own best ally than your own worst enemy…
    • ​ If you want to experience more passion, joy, abundance, connection, presence, vibrancy, resilience, and personal sovereignty…
    • ​ If you want to show up powerfully as a force of good and contribute to making the world a better place…
    • ​This program WILL help you
    Whew! We just went on quite a journey together.

    And now…
    The psychological reality of the human mind is that when you are first exposed to a powerful idea... 

    ...there is only a brief window of time when you can take effective action.

    Statistics say in a week you’ll already forget 90% of what you learned here.

    The confusing, toxic media soup will find its way into your brain...

    Clouding the clarity we just spent so much time developing together. 

    Shiny objects will come back into view and distract you. 

    Someone will show up in your inbox or news feed with the next “magic pill”... and it will look oh-so-tempting. 

    The truth of the transformation I am offering you right now will fade like a dream.

    And the worst part of it all…
    You will wake up day after day in the same old life you
    created for yourself. 
    You will keep on acting from your limiting beliefs and disempowering decisions…

    Recreating the same patterns, the same results, the same struggles. 

    Even if you do find your way back here... 

    You will have lost precious momentum that will fuel your success. 

    I am offering this for a limited time because it is in YOUR benefit. 

    This brief window of time is your golden opportunity for real and lasting change. 

    THIS is your moment to make an Empowering Decision that can transform your life and alter the course of your destiny. 

    THIS is your chance to finally get to the ROOT of what blocks you from your full potential...
    Is your opportunity to liberate yourself from everything that's holding you back from becoming, doing, and having more in your life…

    So you can finally reclaim the income, impact, purpose, and freedom you desire, reach your next level of personal success, and take control over your thoughts, emotions, habits, and results.

    What will you Decide?
    “David is a leading expert on mindset AND business”
    -Inc Magazine
    I've known for awhile that it's my mindset that's holding me back. I've done the Landmark Forum, I've done a bunch of Tony Robbins work, I've done a lot of other personal development work. But nothing was as doable as this program.” 
    -Kim Seeling-Smith 
    Speaker, Consultant, Author and Thought Leader
    A lot of programs out there just don’t deliver what they say they’re going to deliver. There’s a lot of promises being made out there. Do this or do that. David doesn’t do that. He goes deep. And it all comes from a totally natural and authentic place. He’s different than everybody out there. Just do it. You’re going to be amazed.
    MaryAnn Ehmann
    Mindset Expert and Income Strategist
    My biggest breakthrough this year has been my mindset. Being able to shift the way I think and my process around business has just been tremendous. David’s work takes you deeper into who you are as a person. It helps you see how your business and lifestyle all blends together and transform your business into more than just a business.” 
    -Thomas Tipton
    Investment Advisor - WFG
    Finally a system that makes sense on how to move forward to continue to become a powerful creator."
    -Kristen Swinehart
    Simple, effective, and powerful. David made self-help practical instead of hi-fives and positive statements.”
    -Douglas Bedford 
    Marketing Consultant
    Your NO MONEY BACK Guarantee
    The Whole Human Framework is not like other coaching programs, and David Bayer is not like other coaching organizations.
    The problem with Money Back Guarantees is they give people an ‘Out’ to not do the work that’s essential for success.

    It all comes back to limiting beliefs…

    The limiting beliefs we accumulate over a lifetime are that small nagging voice inside our head… The voice that tells us what we can’t do, and why we’re not good enough.

    That’s the reason why we have all our Students complete the Mind Hack program in Week 0

    The purpose of Mind Hack is to smash your limiting beliefs, and help you to see your true potential is much greater than you have ever realized…

    Then you can play ‘full out’ and pour all your dynamic creative energy into your success in the Whole Human Framework program.

    But that’s less likely to happen if you give yourself an ‘out’... That nagging voice will start to make excuses, and tell you why the program won’t work for you… 

    Here’s the thing though - the Whole Human Framework program, and all David Bayer coaching programs, are proven to work with hundreds of amazing results and testimonials to show for them.

    So here’s where we take a stand -
    At David Bayer, we believe in the need for a 100% full commitment by all our students -
    We Do Not Give Refunds For Any Reason
    When you commit to joining - you must do the work to create the success you deserve and are capable of. 

    We urge you to review your decision and completely commit to your own success before joining any of our programs - and we will support you all the way.
    A Final Note From David…
    We're living in a paradoxical world right now.  

    On one hand, we're living in a time that's ripe with more opportunity than at any other time in history. There's more information, money, and resources in circulation than has ever existed since the dawn of civilization.

    On the other hand, people are still suffering. People are more economically, politically, socially, and spiritually divided than ever.

    What we're really doing here is breaking the deep patterns of conditioning that create suffering in your life and in the world at large.

    Because a human mind in a state of suffering can only create more suffering – no matter how noble the intentions.

    Add up billions of humans acting out of suffering and you get a world full of suffering. I don't know about you, but that's not the type of world I want to live in or raise my kids in.

    Only by changing our patterns of thought, shifting our beliefs, and transforming our mindset can we create the lives we so deeply want and deserve to live – personally and collectively.

    Ultimately, the course that the human species takes is largely up to you.  

    It's up to us, the mission and impact-driven individuals who aren't okay with complacency, reactionism, and following along with the status quo to re-shape and re-build the world WE want to live in.

    It's a tremendous undertaking. But we start small. We start with ourselves. We start with our own minds.

    So right now, today, I invite you to take a stand and make an empowering decision…

    To commit to radical personal transformation…to unlock and become the most unshakeable version of yourself….to realize your full potential…

    Because the world depends on it.

    And I'm excited to have you join me on this adventure.
    - David Bayer 
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    DISCLAIMER: Any sales figures referenced are my personal sales figures, or those of our most exceptional clients. Please understand my results are not typical, I'm not implying you'll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). I have the benefit of practicing online marketing for 10+ years. The average person who buys any online marketing information gets little to no results. I'm using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors ... including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT attempt to work with us.